

The properties of the graphomate charts for Discovery can be edited within the "Properties Sheet". You can access it on the side pane's Design Tab. It provides a number of property categories which you can select from by using the topmost dropdown menu.


Structure Orientation: You can use a chart in horizontal orientation for displaying temporal data or in vertical orientation for structural comparisons.

Chart Type: Select the preferred chart type. The different chart types are featured in chapter Introductory Examples.

Comparison Group: Assign a comparison group id to this chart. All charts with the same comparison group id will scale identically.

Show Title: Activate or deactivate the chart's title.

Title Bold: If activated, the titlle's font weight will be bold.

Title Font Size: Set the font size of the title in px.

Title Alignment: Select, whether the title should be centered or aligned left or right.

Title Text: Set the text that will be displayed as the chart's title.


Transparent Background: Deactivate the background color to see through the chart in case you want to layer multiple charts on top of each other.

Padding: Define the width of the chart's padding in px.

Spacing: Define the space between chart elements like title, deviation chart and base chart in px.

Bar Width: Set the width of the chart's bars relative to the category width. Use values between 0 and 1, where a value of 1 will cause the bars to be the same width as the categories.

Pin Width: Set the width of pins (of pin chart or the percentage deviation chart) in px.

Element Offset: Set the offset of the elements of different data series. Use Values between 0 and 1 where a value of 1 will, for example, cause the bars of different data series to be displayed exactly next to each other.

Series Colors: Select the colors of the 5 assignable data series. 


Label Position: Select, whether all element labels (fix) or only the ones which do not overlap each other will be displayed (auto).

Font Size: Set the font size of all labels in px.

Font Family: Set the font family of all labels.

Font Color: Set the font color of all labels.

Abs. Format: Define the number format of all absolute labels. Please refer to the Number Formatting chapter.

Perc Format: Define the number format of all percentage labels.

Locale: Set the locale to change the appearance of thousand and decimal separators as well as abbreviations. The value "auto" will read the locale from your system settings.

Show Series Labels: If activated the measure's names will be annotated to the chart's data series.

Show Category Labels: Set the visibility of the category axis' labels.

Rotation Angle: Set an angle between 0 and 180 degree to rotate the category labels.

Suppress Repeating Category Labels: Set, whether repeating category labels will be displayed only once or on each occurrence.

Suppress Zero Labels: Set, whether repeating 0-labels will be displayed only once or on each occurrence.


Show Category Axis: Set the visibility of the base chart's category axis.

Axis Thickness: Set the width of the category axis in px.

Show Value Axis: Set the visibility of the value axis, which contains reference lines according to the tick distance.

Flip Value Axis: If activated, the value axis will be displayed on the other side of the chart.

Tick Distance: Set the distance of the value axis' reference lines in px.

Show Axis Labels: Set the visibility of the axis labels, which can be defined below.

Axis Label: Define the text that should be displayed as an axis label for each axis of the chart.


Good / Bad Color: Set the color of the positive and negative deviation bars and pins.

Negative Deviation is Good: If activated, the appearance of positive and negative deviation bars and pins is switched.

Deviation Pin Line Black: Define, whether the percentage chart's deviation pin line should be black or the respective deviation color.

Data Types

Data Types: Assign a data type to each element of a data series. Use comma separated lists of the data type names defined below. In case you want to apply the styling of data type "AC" to each of, for example, 5 bars, you would enter the following list in the first text field: AC,AC,AC,AC,AC.

Data Types Config: The styling definition of all data types can be edited using this list. You can edit existing data type definitions or create new ones. The list will be synchronized between all charts of your project. This Synchronization enables you to only create a data type definition once and use it in each chart. The following style settings are available:

  • Name: Id of the data type which can be assigned to your chart elements
  • Color: Color of elements assigned to this data type
  • Fill: Fill pattern of elements assigned to this data type
  • Shape: Shape of the pin heads or line dots assigned to this data type
  • Bold: If activated, labels of elements assigned to this data type will be displayed bold


Highlight Mode: Activate or deactivate the single highlighting that enables you to highlight a single deviation between elements of the base chart.

Start Element: Set the 1-based index of the first element that should be used for the deviation calculation.

End Element: Set the 1-based index of the second element that should be used for the deviation calculation.

Start Series: Set the 1-based index of the data series that contains the start element.

End Series: Set the 1-based index of the data series that contains the end element.

Show Label in Highlight: Define which deviation should be displayed by the highlight label.


Scale Mode: The default value "auto" scales the chart regarding to the minimal and maximal data value. Scale mode "manual" enables you to define your own minimal and maximal value for absolute and percentage scales below.

Outlier Mode: Select the style of outlier. The mode "short" displays small triangles at the axis when a value exceeds the scale's maximal or minimal value. The mode "long" displays longer triangle shaped pins according to the new IBCS standard.

Outlier Size: Set the size of outlier in px.


Separator Mode: You have the option to set so-called Separators in the chart. These can be set automatically in case of changed Data Types or Categories according to the selected mode.

Thickness: Set the thickness of the separator lines in px.

Length: Set the length of the separator lines in px.

Color: Set the color of the separator lines.

Source Series: Enter a 1-based index. In the mode "Data Types" the index refers to the series whose data types will be used to display separators. In mode "Category Labels" it refers to the hierarchy level of category labels that will be used to display separators.

Scaling Helper

Mode: The scaling helper displays a fix value as a line next to the chart or as a filled area in the base chart.

Value: The value that will be displayed by the scaling helper.

Line Color: Set the color of the scaling helper line.

Line Thickness: Set the thickness of the scaling helper line.

Chart Type Specific

Offset Labels on Top: Change the positions of labels in the offset bar chart, to prevent them from overlapping with the category axis.

Show Stack Sums: Set the visibility of the stacked bar chart's sum labels.

Negative Stack Values: If activated, negative values will be grouped to their own negative stack below the stacked bar chart's category axis.

Stack Label Position: Set the position of the stacked bar chart's element labels.

Waterfall Calculation Path: Define the waterfall calculation path. Please refer to the chapter Waterfall Calculation Path.

Waterfall Colors: Set the colors of the different element types of the waterfall chart. The colors will be applied to the bars according to the waterfall calculation path.

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