Slopegraphs Module

Slopegraphs Module

The Slopegraphs module basically corresponds to our extension graphomate slopegraphs. It visualizes up to three DataCellLists and shows the trend of the ranking of the individual data points.

Number of Elements limits the entries to be displayed to a maximum.

The entry in Start Element determines with which element the display of the slopegraphs begins. If 5 is entered here, the first slopegraph is generated from the fifth line, lines 1-4 are skipped.

Suppress Sums excludes any totals in the data source from the display.

Trend shows the trend of the connecting lines by coloring them.

Negative is Good inverts the colors of the trend lines.

The thickness of the lines can be set using the Slope Thickness property.

The Ascending Order option can invert the sorting sequence.