Line Chart Module

Line Chart Module

The Line Chart Module allows the display of two data series as lines (dataCellListx; second value: Secondary Measure) and an additional Fixed Value (dataSingleCellx), which can be used as threshold value.

The dropdown box Threshold governs which measure(s) will be used as threshold value. If a threshold is chosen, the difference area between Primary Measure and threshold will be displayed colored. Depending on the selection, either the differential area between Primary Measure and Secondary Measure or Primary Measure and Fixed Value is colored.

The thickness of all displayed lines can be changed with the option Line Size.

If the option Threshold Excess is Good is activated, and a Threshold is chosen, the positve difference area is displayed in green, otherwise in red.

The option Primary Measure as Area turns the chart into an area chart.

If activated, Value Labels displays the first and last value of the assigned Primary Measure at the start and end of the line chart.

Category Labels displays the selected dimensions below the axis; this options works analogous to Show Value Labels.

Multi Line Category Labels break a label into several rows.

Value Axis displays a value axis on the left side of the line chart.

During runtime, Visible Click Handlers displays small circles around possible jump points, when the mouse pointer hovers somewhere over the module.

Suppress Sums excludes all sums from the selected data series. As only one data source per tile is possible, this option can be useful if the sums are needed in another module, e. g. the KPI Module.

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