Changelog all (matrix)
added a new concept called hyper charts allowing multidimensional in cell charts
added the first hyper chart type: a basic sparklines in-cell chart
added some overlay UI as the start of an ongoing effort to configure simple settings and common use cases without opening a properties sheet in the matrix for SAC, Power BI and Tableau
added a comprehensive compound unit number formatting option that can be used to display time and other complex formats
improved the deviation chart label placement to not overflow in adjacent cell when label doesn’t fit next to the bar/pin, into the bar/pin and in the space on the other side of the axis
improved wording consistency in the UI
improved the order of properties in dialog boxes to reflect common workflows
added dropdowns to all properties used to select scenario ids
improved the UI of properties default column width and width per column
improved clarity of basic properties sheet in the matrix for Power BI by removing complex properties which need a mor sophisticated UI
made importance of filters more clear by removing the (optional) suffix in the UI
improved UI of in-cell charts by combining some properties and making specificity of some properties more clear
added a settings button to the matrix for Power BI
added an enable property to all filerable configurations
improved consistency between appearance of data headers and crosstab dimension name headers
improved consistency between scripting methods of charts and matrix for SAC
improved the UI for calculating deviations
improved default values of some properties to reflect common workflows (including Width Per Column, Default Column Width, Deviation Label Size, Scenarios in Column Headers, Collapsible on Whole Cell, and Scaling Properties of Pin Charts)
enabled the matrix for SAC to be displayed on mobile devices
added scripting method setSelectedData in matrix for SAC
improved sort configuration UI
added property Line Break to configure header text wrapping characters
added geometric mean as a new aggregation type
added Column Header Align property to configure the text align of column headers
added the display of dimension member attributes in the matrix for Lumira Designer and other environments supporting attributes in data sources
fixed several expanse and collapse issues
fixed an issue in the matrix for SAC that lead to the calculated membername not being displayed in the matrix header
fixed an issue that prevented the aggregation configuration from being applied
fixed an issue in the matrix for Lumira Designer that lead to synchronized scenarios not being displayed in the Additional Properties Sheet
fixed an issue in the matrix for Power BI that occasionally lead to crashes
fixed an issue that lead to crashes when specific color settings were used
fixed an issue in the matrix for tableau that excluded month and quarter dimensions from filters
fixed an issue that lead to infinity deviation values being included in the scaling
fixed an issue that lead to a JavaScript error when using cfl method getAddress()
fixed an issue that lead to data not being displayed in the matrix, displaying row and column headers only
fixed an issue that lead to intial row expand level not working correctly when user has previously clicked and filtered
fixed an issue in the matrix for Power BI that lead to cell background color not being changeable using css
fixed misalignment of Scenario Bars
fixed an issue that lead to automatic Locale in number formatting options not being applied according to browser language
fixed an isue that lead the matrix disappear when an error occurs in CFL
fixed an issue that made it impossible to change the opacity in steps smaller than 1
fixed an issue that lead to editable cells not being focusable after deleting all characters from the input field
fixed an issue that prevented input of some characters in editable cells in firefox
fixed property initial expand level not working for some specific hierarchy levels
fixed sorting of columns descending/ascending not working sometimes
fixed an issue that lead to scenarios not being imported correctly when using css import in matrix for Lumira Designer
fixed dimension selection UI not working in matrix for Lumira Designer in some cases
fixed an issue that made cells overlapping with header cells when scrolling when some cells were highlighted by a data selection
fixed an issue that prevented the matrix for SAC from resizing correctly when changing the widget’s width or height
fixed an issue that lead to an incorrect suggestion of members or dimensions in the filter UI
fixed an issue that lead to unnecassary space beneath header cells with long header texts
fixed an issue that lead to misaligned scenario bars
fixed an issue in PowerBI that lead to newly added properties falling back to their default values after a reload
fixed an issue that made some versions of the graphomate matrix for SAC not render anything
fixed an issue that made the graphomate matrix for SAC not render anything when the visibility of a surrounding container component was toggled
fixed an issue that lead to the class attribute in html injected into the title text not being applied
fixed an issue that made the graphomate matrix for Lumira Designer not render anything when used in some nested container components
fixed an issue that lead to incorrect ranking of rows when using the Top N + Rest Feature in Internet Explorer
added the same scenario import/export UI to the Additional Properties Sheet of the graphomate matrix for Lumira Designer as used in our charts component
added a tooltip to the info section of the GPS to show the exact versions of latest or staging release channel builds of the graphomate matrix for PowerBI
added scripting methods
to the graphomate matrix for Lumira Designer
prevented cells to overflow the matrix and shine through the header cells when scrolling while browser zoom is active
fixed an issue that prevented background bars from being displayed when they were activated in more than one column and there was a column completely displaying outliers
fixed an issue that caused child node row headers to not be indented correctly when displaying explicit hierarchies
fixed an issue that caused the graphomate matrix icon in the header of the Graphomate Properties Sheet to be displayed way too large
fixed an issue that prevented the members of a sort configuration from being draggable
fixed an issue that caused a grey pin head or bar to be displayed for null values when using in-cell charts instead of displaying nothing
fixed an issue that crashed the matrix when it displayed an explicit hierarchy and the root node was filtered
fixed an issue in the cfl editor that lead to suggestions of methods not being inserted with a pair of braces leading to unintended behavior of cfl rules written using the cfl editor
fixed some crashes when using the Internet Explorer, however, we recommend using a modern browser due to various performance and rendering issues of outdated browsers
fixed an issue that caused calculated deviations to show ‘NaN’ instead of 'null' when the input values were 'null'
fixed an issue that caused calculated deviations to not being displayed despite no input value was 'null'
fixed an issue that caused labels of bar charts to not being displayed when they should being displayed in the bar due to not fitting next to it
fixed an issue that caused the matrix to incorrectly display hierarchies consisting of multiple explicit hierarchies
fixed an issue that caused empty columns being created when filters were set for column dimensions in deviation calculations
fixed some issues which were causing in-cell chart elements to overflow their cell
fixed an issue that caused the property initial row expand level to behave differently between hierarchies with one or multiple root nodes
fixed an issue that caused the search field in the Graphomate Properties Sheet to not show some properties
fixed an issue that caused the Graphomate Properteies Sheet to not apply changes made in search result view
fixed an issue of the matrix for Power BI that caused the graphomate Properties Sheet to be visible even when not in edit mode
fixed an issue of the matrix for Tableau online that prevented the matrix from being displayed correctly after reloading a dashboard when crosstab-like row headers were used
fixed an issue that prevented the matrix for SAC from being displayed when the scripting method openNavigationPanel from a standard visual was called
fixed an issue of the matrix for SAC that caused a newly created matrix widget to being inserted at the dashboard’s top left corner instead of being inserted where it fits in
fixed an issue of the matrix for SAC that caused in-cell chart font color to be gray instead of black
fixed an issue of the matrix for SAC that caused labels of pin charts to unnecessarily take too much space off the pin line when being displayed in the pin due to not fitting next to it
fixed an issue in the matrix for Lumira Designer that caused scenarios to not synchronize correctly with a matrix when changes were made in a graphomate chart
fixed an issue in the matrix for Tableau that caused the matrix to not apply changes of parameters, when displaying data bound to parameters
improved the cfl editor to be way more convenient and include many templates
added aggregation type mean
added the aggregation type none
added calculated aggregations making it possible to configure aggregations for different rows, columns or hierarchy levels in implicit hierarchies
added property collapsibel on whole cell to configure the row header behavior when clicking on it
added property pin line on top for pin charts to conveniently create IBCS charts
added the possibility to configure the behavior of selecting cells by changing the property selection mode
added the property editability assignment to configure cells that should be editable
implemented automatic column width which can be achieved by setting a width of -1 for the properties default width or width per column
improved de-collision logic of chart labels to prevent them from overflowing the cell or overlaying the chart elements
implemented fixed row headers
added property custom css to inject your own CSS snippets for complex manipulations of the visual appearance
added cfl variables which can be configured in the Graphomate Properties Sheet and which can be accessed in Cell Formatting Language Rules to write reusable CFL scripts
added property calculated members to add custom calculated members
improved crosstab view to include dimension names of implicit hierarchies in the column headers
improved column headers to show only one occurrence of adjacently repeating header texts
implemented a live sorting feature that can be used by clicking on the sort signs which appear when hovering over a column header using the mouse
added Top/Bottom N + Rest calculations to display remainder columns or rows
added the property extra row padding to visually group parent and child nodes when using following result nodes
added property following result nodes to change the order of appearance of result nodes and their children
changed default values of outlier thresholds of charts to make common use cases (like the usage of pin charts for relative and bar charts for absolute data) more convenient
aligned cfl style 'root' with css class by changing the css class ‘cellRoot' of cell root elements to 'root’
added the property text ellipsis to cut header instead of wrapping them
added pin chart property Apply Scenario Color to Pin Head
added suggestions of JavaScript literal properties like array.length to the cfl editor
added properties good color, bad color and opacity to allow them getting configured differently for individual chart configurations
improved the selection of members for filter properties in the Graphomate Properties Sheet
added the option to select all members of dimension filter properties in the Graphomate Properties Sheet
added property background bar opacity
improved the usability and presentation of properties in the Graphomate Properties Sheet
implemented sorting of entries in lists by drag and drop in the Graphomate Properties Sheet
added duplicate functionality for list entries in the Graphomate Properties Sheet
improved lists to be resizable in the Graphomate Properties Sheet
added filter export and import for quick settings in the Graphomate Properties Sheet
improved tooltip values in the matrix for Power BI to now show formatted values
improved the scripting documentation of the matrix for SAP Lumira Designer and SAC
added the matrix for Power BI and Tableau to the respective shop sites
enabled the matrix component to expand nodes of an explicit hierarchy which were initially collapsed in the initial view of SAP Lumira Designer
added missing scripting methods and improved existing ones for SAP Lumira Designer and SAC
improved property initial row expand level to be changeable via scripting languages in SAP Lumira Designer and SAC